Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Hiding out in deepest France

Arrived. Unpacked. Fed children, and visited Le Clerc. It is a well known fact that the height of excitement for me is the opportunity to visit a French hypermarket, and it has to be said that the closet one to us on this holiday is certainly worth a visit.

What is it that makes this more exciting than the average visit to Sainsbury's? To start off with is there anything that you can't buy in a French hypermarket? Stationary to die for... who knew that there were so many fountain pens that you needed to buy in this world? Kitchenware which is just that little bit more unique than we will find in the UK.... more chocolate than I will ever be able to eat in one hit - and of course the best selection of saucisson (sp?) ever. Fact. And for some reason when we are in France the H is prepared to come with me. Why? Who can say? Maybe secretly he finds French supermarkets just as exciting as me.

What makes the holiday? Just being with the H and small people. There are no rules. You can pretty much eat what you want, when you want, you can laze around and read books all day - in your pyjamas if you want to - and best of all? No-one will want you to make a decision. Bliss.

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